Search Results for: gdpr

Optimization: Data Export

The Data Export section in WP Statistics allows users to extract data from their WordPress site for further analysis, backup, or reporting. This document provides a detailed description of each option available on the Data Export page. Select Data Source This dropdown menu is where you select the specific table or data source you wish […]

Basic Tracking Settings

This document provides detailed explanations and guidance for each setting within the Basic Tracking section of the WP Statistics plugin. It’s where you set up how the plugin will collect important information about who views your WordPress site and what they do there. The choices you make in this section are really important for making […]

User Data Protection Settings

This document provides detailed explanations and guidance for each setting within the Data Protection section of the WP Statistics plugin. These settings help you manage how user data is collected and processed on your website, with a focus on enhancing user privacy and aiding in compliance with privacy regulations. Disclaimer Before making any changes, it […]

Settings Page

WP Statistics offers a wide range of customizable settings that allow you to tailor the plugin’s functionality to your specific needs. By adjusting these settings, you can enhance the performance of your website, ensuring that WP Statistics operates efficiently and effectively in line with your usage patterns. Getting Started Before diving into the specifics, ensure […]

How to Stop Tracking in WP Statistics with PHP code?

Sometimes you need to enable the Anonymize IP Addresses with PHP code for GDPR. Here is an example to do that. add_action(‘init’, function (){ global $WP_Statistics; $WP_Statistics->update_option( ‘anonymize_ips’, ‘1’ ); });