Tag: Visits

Settings Page

The first thing you should do after installing WP Statistics has configured the plugin, this is accomplished through the settings page. Simply go to Statistics -> Settings to get there. The main settings page looks like this: At the top are nine tabs; each one will be addressed separately. General Settings The General Settings page […]

What’s the difference between Views and Visitors?

Views is the number of page hits your site has received. Visitors is the number of unique users that have visited your site. Views should always be greater than Visitors (though there are a few times when this won’t be true on very low usage sites due to how the exclusion code works). The average […]

Why did my views suddenly jump way up today?

There can be many reasons for this, but the most common reason is a botnet has decided to visit your site and we have been unable to filter it out. You usually see your views spike for a few days and then they give up.


WP Statistics has many features: User Online, see how many people are currently viewing your site Views, see how many hits your site gets each day Visitors, see who’s visiting your site Page tracking, see which pages are viewed most often Search Engines, see search queries and redirects from popular search engines like Google, Bing, […]