Documentation Data Plus Link Tracker Report

Link Tracker Report

The Link Tracker report page provides valuable insights into external link clicks on your website. This report is particularly useful for understanding user interactions and tracking the performance of outbound links.


To utilize the Link Tracker report, the DataPlus add-on must be enabled. This add-on is necessary to gather and display detailed tracking data.

Report Features

The Link Tracker report includes two main sections:

Recent Clicks:

  • Date: Displays the date and time when the link was clicked.
  • Link URL: Shows the URL of the external link that was clicked.
  • Link ID: Indicates the unique identifier for each link, if available.
  • Link Class: Displays any CSS class associated with the link, providing additional context for styling or functionality.
  • Link Text: Shows the anchor text of the clicked link.
  • Page: Indicates the page on your website where the link was clicked.
  • User Information: Displays information about the user who clicked the link, if available.

Top Clicks:

  • Link URL: Lists the URLs of the most clicked external links.
  • Click Count: Displays the number of times each link was clicked.
  • View Details: Button to view more detailed information about each link click. (Note: This feature will be available in upcoming versions of the DataPlus add-on.)

Filters and Options

  • Date Range: Use the date range selector at the top of the page to filter the report by a specific time period.
  • Page Filter: Filter the report to show link clicks on specific pages.
  • Post Type Filter: Filter by post type to view link clicks within posts, pages, or other custom post types.
  • Author Filter: Select an author to view link clicks on content published by that specific author.


  1. Accessing the Report: Navigate to the WP Statistics plugin dashboard, and select the “Link Tracker” report from the available options.
  2. Enabling/Disabling the Report: You can enable or disable the Link Tracker report through the plugin settings. Go to Settings -> Data Plus -> Link Tracker to manage this feature.
  3. Filtering Data: Use the provided filters (date range, page, post type, and author) to refine the report data according to your needs.
  4. Analyzing Clicks: Review the data provided for each clicked link, including the date, link URL, link text, and the page where the click occurred. This information helps identify which external links are most engaging to your users.


  • Performance Tracking: Gain insights into how users interact with external links on your website.
  • Content Optimization: Identify popular external resources and optimize your content strategy accordingly.
  • Author Insights: Understand the impact of individual authors on link engagement.

By leveraging the Link Tracker report, you can make informed decisions to enhance user engagement and improve the overall performance of your website.


Due to web API limitations, the Link Tracker cannot track link clicks when users right-click and select “Open in new tab.” This limitation means that some user interactions might not be fully captured in the report.

Upcoming Features

In future versions of the DataPlus add-on, a detailed page for each link click will be available, allowing for even deeper analysis of user interactions with external links.