Documentation Report Pages Geographic Report

Geographic Report

The Geographic report in the WP Statistics plugin provides comprehensive insights into the geographical distribution of your website’s visitors. It is divided into several sub-reports that offer detailed statistics based on countries, cities, and regions. This documentation provides a short description of each sub-report and links to more detailed information for each.

Accessing the Geographic Report

To access the Geographic report:

  1. Navigate to the WP Statistics plugin in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select “Statistics” from the menu.
  3. Click on “Geographic”.


Countries Report

This report provides statistics on the number of visitors and page views from different countries.

Countries Report

Cities Report

This report offers insights into the number of visitors and page views from various cities.

Cities Report

European Countries Report

This report focuses on visitors from European countries, detailing visitor and view counts.

European Countries Report

US States Report

This report provides statistics on visitors and page views from different states within the United States.

US States Report

Regions Report

This report gives detailed insights into visitor statistics from various regions within your website’s country, based on the timezone set in the WordPress general settings.

Regions Report

Data Accuracy

We detect cities, regions, and countries through the user’s IP and use the GeoIP library. For more accurate location reports, ensure your GeoIP database is updated regularly. You can update the database through:

  • Settings -> Advanced Options ->Manual Update of GeoIP Database.

Version Notes

  • The Cities and Regions reports were introduced in version 14.8.
  • We made an under-the-hood change in version 14.7 to detect cities and regions. Therefore, if you notice discrepancies between the numbers in different reports, it is because we did not track these details before version 14.7.

For more detailed information on each sub-report, please refer to the specific documentation linked above.