Documentation Guides Excluding URLs

Excluding URLs

WP Statistics allows you to exclude specific paths or segments of paths from being tracked. This feature is particularly helpful for pages that don’t need to be reflected in your site’s analytics, such as thank-you pages, privacy policies, or other non-essential sections.

To configure this, navigate to Statistics – Settings – Filtering & Exceptions, and in the URL Exclusions section, use the Excluded URLs field to define which paths should be excluded:

Basic Exclusion

Enter the exact path you wish to exclude. For example, entering /post/123 will prevent tracking for that specific post.

Wildcard Exclusion

Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to exclude multiple paths that follow a similar pattern. For example:

  • /faq/* will exclude all pages under the /faq/ section, such as /faq/page1 and /faq/page2
  • *some-word-in-url* will exclude any path containing the phrase “some-word-in-url” anywhere in the URL.

Once a path is excluded, traffic from any matching paths or patterns will no longer be tracked, allowing you to focus your analytics on the most important data.