Documentation Guides Disable the “Your IP Information” Section in Settings

Disable the “Your IP Information” Section in Settings

The “Your IP Information” section in the WP Statistics plugin, located at Settings → Advanced Options → Your IP Information, can be disabled using a WordPress filter. Follow these steps to apply the necessary filter:

Access the Theme’s functions.php File:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance → Theme File Editor.
  3. Select the functions.php file from the list on the right.

Add the Custom Filter:

Copy and paste the following code snippet into the functions.php file:

 * Disable the "Your IP Information" section in WP Statistics settings page.
add_filter('wp_statistics_ip_detection_preview', '__return_false');

Save the Changes:

After adding the code, click the Update File button to save the changes.


Once you have added the filter either through the functions.php file, the “Your IP Information” section should no longer be visible on the WP Statistics settings page.

Additional Information

We use Ipify to show your current IP address on this page.

Privacy Policy: Ipify Privacy Policy