Documentation Functions Adding Custom Exclusions

Adding Custom Exclusions

Exclusion is one of its essential features to exclude specific types of visits from being tracked, ensuring your analytics focus on genuine user interactions. The plugin offers a variety of default exclusion methods and provides a filter hook wp_statistics_exclusion to add custom exclusions.

Adding Custom Exclusions

To add custom exclusions, you can directly handle the logic within the wp_statistics_exclusion filter. Here’s how you can add various custom exclusions:

Exclude Visits from a Specific User-Agent

add_filter('wp_statistics_exclusion', function($exclude, $visitorProfile) {
    if ($exclude['exclusion_match'] === false) {
        $userAgent = $visitorProfile->getHttpUserAgent();
        if (strpos($userAgent, 'CustomBot') !== false) {
            $exclude = array('exclusion_match' => true, 'exclusion_reason' => 'Custom User-Agent');
    return $exclude;
}, 10, 2);

Exclude Visits from a Specific User ID

add_filter('wp_statistics_exclusion', function($exclude, $visitorProfile) {
    if ($exclude['exclusion_match'] === false && is_user_logged_in()) {
        $currentUserId = get_current_user_id();
        $excludedUserIds = array(1, 2, 3); // Add user IDs you want to exclude
        if (in_array($currentUserId, $excludedUserIds)) {
            $exclude = array('exclusion_match' => true, 'exclusion_reason' => 'Excluded User ID');
    return $exclude;
}, 10, 2);

Exclude Visits from Users with a Specific Meta Key

add_filter('wp_statistics_exclusion', function($exclude, $visitorProfile) {
    if ($exclude['exclusion_match'] === false && is_user_logged_in()) {
        $currentUserId = get_current_user_id();
        $customMetaKey = get_user_meta($currentUserId, 'exclude_from_stats', true);
        if ($customMetaKey) {
            $exclude = array('exclusion_match' => true, 'exclusion_reason' => 'Custom Meta Key');
    return $exclude;
}, 10, 2);

Exclude Visits from a Specific IP Address

add_filter('wp_statistics_exclusion', function($exclude, $visitorProfile) {
    if ($exclude['exclusion_match'] === false) {
        $visitorIp = $visitorProfile->getIp();
        $excludedIps = array('', ''); // Add IPs you want to exclude
        if (in_array($visitorIp, $excludedIps)) {
            $exclude = array('exclusion_match' => true, 'exclusion_reason' => 'Excluded IP');
    return $exclude;
}, 10, 2);

Exclude Visits Based on a Custom Condition

add_filter('wp_statistics_exclusion', function($exclude, $visitorProfile) {
    if ($exclude['exclusion_match'] === false) {
        // Custom condition logic
        $customCondition = some_custom_condition_check(); // Replace with actual condition check
        if ($customCondition) {
            $exclude = array('exclusion_match' => true, 'exclusion_reason' => 'Custom Condition');
    return $exclude;
}, 10, 2);

function some_custom_condition_check() {
    // Example custom condition
    return true; // Replace with actual condition logic

By adding custom exclusions directly within the wp_statistics_exclusion filter, you can tailor WP Statistics to meet your specific needs better. This ensures that your analytics data is clean and focused on actual user behaviour, leading to more accurate insights and better decision-making.