Archives: Documentations

List of Country Codes

In the WP Statistics plugin, country codes are used to filter and display data based on the geographic location of the visitors. This document provides a complete list of valid ISO country codes that you can use in the WP Statistics settings. Not Set Country Code The default value for “not set” country code is […]

Customizing User Online Status Intervals

In this document, we introduce two new filters for customizing the behavior of the WP Statistics plugin: wp_statistics_reset_user_online_time for PHP and wp_statistics_js_check_time_interval for JavaScript. 1. wp_statistics_reset_user_online_time The wp_statistics_reset_user_online_time filter allows you to customize the duration after which a user is considered offline in the WP Statistics plugin. Usage By default, the plugin uses a predefined […]

Exclude IP Addresses

The IP Exclusions setting in WP Statistics allows you to exclude specific IP addresses from your site’s analytics. This can be useful for excluding internal traffic, bots, or any unwanted sources from your statistics. How to Use IP Exclusions Accessing the IP Exclusions Setting: Entering IP Addresses: IP Address Formats: Using General Exclusions: Example IP […]

Managing Request Signatures

This guide explains how request signatures are generated, how to generate these signatures in a headless system, and how to disable the signature verification if needed. This approach is used to enhance compatibility with caching mechanisms. What is the Request Signature and Why Use It? Purpose of the Signature The request signature is a security […]

Whitelabeling WP Statistics

This guide explains how to whitelabel your WP Statistics plugin using Customization add-on. By following these steps, you can remove various branding elements and customize the plugin to match your brand identity. Overview of the Customization Add-on Features The Customization add-on for WP Statistics enables you to: How to Whitelabel WP Statistics Step 1: Access […]

How to Disable Advanced Report Emails

If you are receiving customized and more advanced reports via email from the WP Statistics – Advanced Reporting add-on and wish to disable this feature, follow the instructions below: Disabling Advanced Report Emails: This will stop the delivery of advanced report emails generated by the Advanced Reporting add-on. Looking for Basic Report Email Features? If […]

How to Manage Automated Report Delivery

If you receive automated statistical reports via email from the WP Statistics plugin but want to change the settings, follow the instructions below: Disabling Automated Report Delivery: If you wish to stop receiving automated reports: Changing Report Frequency: If you prefer to continue receiving reports but at a different frequency:

Download Tracker Report

The Download Tracker report page provides detailed insights into both internal and external file downloads on your website. This report is useful for understanding which files are being downloaded and how frequently, helping you to manage and optimize your downloadable content effectively. Requirements To utilize the Download Tracker report, the DataPlus add-on must be enabled. […]

Link Tracker Report

The Link Tracker report page provides valuable insights into external link clicks on your website. This report is particularly useful for understanding user interactions and tracking the performance of outbound links. Requirements To utilize the Link Tracker report, the DataPlus add-on must be enabled. This add-on is necessary to gather and display detailed tracking data. […]

Devices Report

The “Devices” report in WP Statistics is a feature introduced in version 14.8. It includes various sub-reports that provide detailed information about the devices used by visitors to your website. Accessing the Devices Report To access the Devices report, navigate to the WP Statistics plugin in your WordPress dashboard, and under the “Statistics” section, select […]