Documentation Settings Page Advanced Options Settings

Advanced Options Settings

Your IP Information

  • Your IP address as detected by the service: Displays the IP address detected using the service.
  • Your IP address as detected by the current WP Statistics settings: Shows the IP address detected based on the current WP Statistics configuration.

Main IP Detection Method

  • Sequential IP Detection (Recommended): This setting automatically finds the user’s IP address by checking a sequence of server variables. It follows a specific order: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_X_FORWARDED, HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_FORWARDED, REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_CLIENT_IP, HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP, HTTP_X_REAL_IP, HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP. It stops once it finds a valid IP address.
  • Specify a Custom Header for IP Detection: If you have a custom IP detection header (e.g., from a service like CloudFlare), you can enter it here to use it for detecting IP addresses.

GeoIP Settings

  • GeoIP Database Update Source: Choose the service that updates the GeoIP database. Options include using the JsDelivr or other custom update sources. This helps keep the geographic information accurate.
  • Manual Update of GeoIP Database: Click the “Update Now” button to manually refresh the GeoIP database immediately.
  • Schedule Monthly Update of GeoIP Database: Enable this option to automatically update the GeoIP database monthly, two days after the first Tuesday.
  • Update Missing GeoIP Data: Enable this to fill in any missing GeoIP data automatically when a new download is available.
  • Country Code for Unlocatable IPs: Assign a default country code (e.g., 000) for IP addresses that cannot be located geographically.

Purge Old Data Daily

  • Automatic Cleanup: When enabled, this option automatically deletes data entries that are older than a specified number of days, helping to keep the database optimized.
  • Purge Data Older Than: Set the number of days after which old data should be deleted. The default is set to 180 days.

Purge High Hit Count Visitors Daily (Deprecated)

  • Automatic Cleanup: This option, when enabled, removes user statistics daily for users who have an unusually high number of visits, which might indicate bot activity.
  • Purge Visitors More Than: Set a threshold for daily visit counts. Users with visits above this number are considered for removal. The default limit is set to 50 views.

Restore Default Settings

  • Reset Options: Selecting this option reverts all configurations to the WP Statistics default settings. Note that this change is irreversible, and it affects every site in the network for multisite users.