Category: Uncategorized

Deprecating Server-Side Tracking in WP Statistics 15

In our last version (14.9), we displayed a notice about deprecating server-side tracking for users who rely on this method. This change will take effect in version 15, scheduled for release in Q4 2024, as part of an important refactor focusedat enhancing the overall performance and accuracy of WP Statistics. Why the Shift from Server-Side […]

Does WP Statistics work with caching plugins?

Probably not, most caching plugins don’t execute the standard WordPress loop for a page it has already cached (by design of course) which means the WP Statistics code never runs for that page. This means WP Statistics can’t record the page hit or visitor information, which defeats the purpose of WP Statistics. We do not […]

How can I disable the plugin without access to the admin area?

You can manually disable plugins in WordPress by simply renaming the folder they are installed in. Using FTP or your hosting providers file manager, go to your WordPress directory, from ther go to wp-content/plugins and rename or delete the wp-statistics folder.