Category: FAQ

WP Statistics 11.01 Parse Error

When I upgrade or install WP Statistics 11.0 I get an error message like “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_USE, expecting T_FUNCTION in…” Since WP Statistics 11.0, PHP 5.4 or above has been required. If you are using an older version of PHP it cannot understand the new syntax included in WP Statistics 11.0 and […]

IPv6 Support

WP Statistics supports IPv6 as of version 11.0, however, PHP must be compiled with IPv6 support enabled, otherwise you may see warnings when a visitor from an IPv6 address hits your site. You can check if IPv6 support is enabled in PHP by visiting the “Optimization -> Resources/Information -> Version Info- > PHP IPv6 Enabled” […]

PHP 7.1 Support

WP Statistics has not yet been tested on PHP 7.1 and reports so far (As of February 2017) indicate there are issues.  As PHP 7.1 is still relatively new it is not recommended at this time.

PHP 7 Support

WP Statistics is PHP 7 compliant, however some versions of PHP 7 have bugs that can cause issues. One know issue is with PHP 7.0.4 causing memory exhaustion errors, newer versions of PHP 7 do not have this issue. At this time (August 2016) WP Statistics seems to run fine with PHP 7.0.10, however you […]

I’ve changed the permissions for WP Statistics access and now I’ve lost access to it myself, how to I fix it?

If you have access to phpMyAdmin (or similar tool) you can query the wp_options table: SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘wp_statistics’; Then edit the value, inside the string will be something like (note: “edit_plugins” will be whatever permission you selected): s:15:”read_capability”;s:12:”edit_plugins”;s:17:”manage_capability”;s:12:”edit_plugins”; Replace it with: s:15:”read_capability”;s:14:”manage_options”;s:17:”manage_capability”;s:14:”manage_options”;

I’ve installed WP Statistics for the first time on a site and when I go to the statistics pages I get an error saying like “The following plugin table(s) do not exist in the database”

This is because something has gone wrong during the installation. At the end of the message will be a list of tables that are missing, you can use the provided link to re-run the installation routine. If that does not resolve the issue and the visitors table is the only table listed, you may want […]

My overview screen is blank, what’s wrong?

This is usually caused by a PHP fatal error, check the page source and PHP logs. The most common fatal error is an out of memory error. Check the Statistics->Optimization page and see how much memory is currently assigned to PHP and how much the overview is using. If it is a memory issue you […]